Free Application Vulnerability Assessment

  • All of the technical elements you need to begin to quantify the overall business risks built into your web application
  • A high-level Findings report based on our review of your site
  • A follow-up call between our application security experts and your technical team to explain the issues in the report
  • Executive level briefing (upon request) to translate the findings into the business language of risk and likelihood.
  • More than just a vulnerability scan, a high-level validation of critical findings, which will reduce the volume of noise inherent in every vulnerability scanning tool and begin to pinpoint actual business risks.

For a detailed list of what is included in this service, and how it compares with a more advanced Penetration Test, click HERE

Your custom web application delivers a significant business advantage!
The foresight to go ‘digital’ enables easy and intuitive access to your goods and services.

If your website provides an important business function, process automation, or customer service – then you need an assessment. This explains why standards like PCI DSS and legislation like HIPAA require periodic security assessments.

Web applications can be complex and typically involve multiple building blocks not authored by the application creator. With all these additional components and complexity come inherent risk and an imperative to quantify that risk.
Fortunately, Amber CyberEye offers a free web application security assessment. Our process is simple, secure and easy to begin. We ensure your results are completely confidential and purge them from our system upon request.